Embracing Gratitude, Alignment, and the Present Moment for a Life of Joyful Abundance

By Al Spry

In a world that continuously pulls us in countless directions, many of them negative, the pursuit of abundance and happiness can sometimes seem elusive. “Your Abundant Now” is a synthesis of profound philosophies that will help guide you to a life brimming with richness, fulfillment, and harmony. By merging the ancient wisdom of living in the present moment, practicing gratitude, aligning with the universal energy of the Creator of all, and recognizing abundance as our birthright, this book offers a transformative framework to reshape your perceptions, enrich your life, and tap into the infinite possibilities available to us all.

About Al Spry

Allen Spry was born and raised in New York City and graduated cum laude from the University at Albany, Albany, New York with a B.A. in History. Al forged a path in entertainment as a DJ in famed Catskill-area hotels, as a radio DJ and talk show host in New York and Orlando, Florida, and as an Affiliate Relations Director for three state news networks. Al now leads a fulfilling life of service as a real estate broker and owner of Beacon Real Estate & Associates, with offices in Mount Dora and Orlando, Florida. Al lives with his wife Yvonne and family in the central Florida area. Al has palm trees in his front yard and believes that this is one of the best things ever. Remember, life is supposed to be fun! 

Al Spry